
Endorsements From ReadiMask Users
“It does confirm my belief that the ReadiMask Particle Mask is better than strap-based N95 respirators currently on the market. Over the years, and as recently as last week, I tested various N95 respirators and none had as good fit test results as the ReadiMask. The ReadiMask Particle Mask is one of the most exciting and ingenious new N95-style respirator designs ever to come to market. The vast majority of current N95-style respirators suffer from poor fit with high probability of leakage due to flimsy straps and poor facial seals. The ReadiMask’s use of adhesive as well as its comfortable filtering media is a major breakthrough in respirator design that is sure to enhance consumer and worker safety.”
– Jack Caravanos, DrPH, CIH
Board-Certified Industrial Hygienist, Professor of Industrial Hygiene, and Director of a NIOSH-funded ABET-Accredited Graduate Program in Environmental and Occupational Health
Chief Marinucci and several of his firefighters conducted live tests in smoke-filled training towers.
“This is the simplest product I have seen. No straps, it just seals to your face so smoke doesn’t come in around the edges like other masks, which is a major issue with particle masks with straps. The ReadiMask filters many of the byproducts of fire at a level sufficient to allow the user additional time to safely escape from a building, train, car, school, airplane, or other affected area.”
– Chief Richard Marinucci
Former President of the International Association of Fire Chiefs and COO of the United States Fire Administration
“I see the ReadiMask being of tremendous value to the safety and protection of our society at every level, from commuters making their daily rides to work; first responders looking to have instant access to enhanced protection; and state, federal government, and private sector employees seeking an enhanced level of surety regarding their safety in their place of work.”
– Peter Marghella
Former Senior Medical Planner of the United States Department of Defense and Chief of Medical Plans and Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff
“I was impressed with the fit and comfort. I had no trouble obtaining an effective seal on the first try, and it got even easier with a little practice (a few of the fit tests were done on me). I was impressed with how the respirator allowed me to perform an aggressive grimace exercise and to speak without the respirator slipping. With enough effort, I can usually manipulate my face and jaw to intentionally dislodge a conventional FFR [filtering facepiece respirator]. I was utterly unable to do that with the ReadiMask. There was no appreciable build up of hot air inside the breathing zone. I could nearly forget that I had it on.
“My impression after conducting these few tests is that the ReadiMask respirator offers advantages in fit and comfort compared to conventional non-adhesive designs. With proper donning, the fit seems superior to a conventional FFR that is also properly donned.”
– Jeff Weed
President of Weed Respiratory Protection Solutions, LLC, and PortaCount and Respirator Fit Testing Expert
“I feel the mask is highly valuable in the EMS setting for the protection of responders from blood and other biohazards products in the ambulance. I feel this product is a very positive advancement in the protection of our first responders. The students and faculty of the program wore the mask and found it to be a comfortable and functional product that would be an asset in any biothreat or biohazard environment.”
– John J. Burke
Associate Director of the Boston University School of Medicine Healthcare Emergency Management Graduate Program and Firefighter/Advanced EMT
“Based upon the surveys, all of the dentists and dental assistants commented that the ReadiMask was very easy to put on, was very comfortable to wear, and remained sealed to the face during the entire time the mask was worn. In addition, they were all very impressed that their eyeglasses did not fog up while wearing the ReadiMask, which is a major problem when wearing surgical or N95 masks.
“Compared to other N95 masks, surgical masks, and dust masks that they have worn in the past, everyone preferred to wear the ReadiMask and thought that it was better and provided greater overall protection. We were all extremely impressed with the comfort and performance of the ReadiMask.”
– Carol Sloane
Assistant Dean, Clinic Auxiliary Programs, and Director of Clinic Operations of Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine
“A couple of the team members were wearing glasses under the ReadiMask with the eyeshield and could not believe that their glasses did not fog up! That’s amazing!!
“Everyone that wore these masks during the drill or tried them on after our critique stated that they were very easy to put on, extremely comfortable, and didn’t loosen as you moved but moved with you. They felt confident wearing these masks to protect them and the masks didn’t hinder their breathing.
“The overall ratings graded ReadiMask MUCH BETTER than the N95 mask, the surgical mask, and the dust mask. And in a real emergency EVERYONE here would prefer to use the ReadiMask.”
– Lori L. Schneider
Administrative Assistant, Quality/Risk Management, of Oswego Hospital
“The vast majority said that the ReadiMask was much more comfortable than their current respirator. Given a choice, they would choose this respirator over their current one. Common themes were that the ReadiMask was light, easy to breathe, easy to don, and easy to talk and hear – good audio communication. They perceived this mask as a very capable solution to protect them against plume due to the tight seal. No one perceived it as less secure than their current N95. People felt this mask was less likely to creep up on the face as is sometimes a problem with a regular surgical mask.”
Comments included:
- ‘I would buy it today!’
- ‘I love this mask!’
- ‘I really like that this mask does not have ties.'”
– Results of Focus Groups Conducted at the 2012 Association of Perioperative Nurses (AORN) Congress by a Multi-Billion Dollar Healthcare Organization
(Two Focus Groups With 24 Perioperative Nurses)